Top 10 Home Office Ideas for Small Spaces

It can be a great benefit to have an office space in your own home. Being able to do your tasks in a comfortable space can be helpful and relaxing. Although it feels great to have your own workstation, it can be challenging if you don’t have enough space. Fortunately, there are many home office ideas for small spaces that help to induce a work and productivity vibe even when at home.


Want to know how to create small spaces in your home into a home office? Read more to find out.

Home Office Ideas for Small Spaces

#1 Look Around You

Any place in your home can be a tiny office even if there is only minimal space. Find places in your house that can be used as a potential workspace by identifying vacant spots you can use.

In your living room or a studio-type apartment, you can relocate furniture by putting your couch against the longest wall and putting your office desk directly in front of the window (if there is one). Using this layout can create an open space at the centre of your apartment or living room rather than having a cramped set-up just because of the additional furniture.

Another potential office area you can try is under the stairs. It’s common to see photographs or artwork hung on the walls under the stairs, but every inch of space in that area can be great for a tiny office!

What about your closet? Yes, you’ve read that right. If you have a spare portion of your wardrobe, whether a walk-in or not, it can be a good place for your workstation. You can put a small desk and add your work files to folders and drawers. The great thing about this arrangement is that you can close your closet when you’re done working and still have that extra space!

Another place you can fit a nice home office is by the corners of your house. This can be in your bedroom or any corner of your home that a potential desk may fit in. Possible cabinets that are located on corners can serve as storage for files and your other accessories.

#2 Multi-Purpose Spaces

To avoid possible constricted spaces because of your workstation, you can use tables, nooks, and other desk-like fixtures initially for décor and other functions within the household. Just like the previously suggested closet workstation, you can use kitchen tables — specifically at the corner parts of the table — can be used for a tiny office.

#3 Pick the Appropriate Desk

The first piece of furniture you may think of in an office idea for your small space is a desk. You can use a small table that you’re not using and place it on your workstation. Foldable desks are also a great type of furniture you can add. Since you only have a small space available, folding up your workstation can ensure a reusable area and more space at home.


In addition, comfort and efficiency are crucial not just in ordinary office furniture, but especially in the tiny office you have at home. A particularly handy type of desks you can use is a standing desk. Why a standing desk? Standing desks can help relieve the discomforts of sitting and make you even more productive at work. The best part about this is that you can convert from sitting to standing so that your body won’t feel fatigued.


You can also use a sit-to-stand desk converter as an alternative for standing desks. Converters are useful especially for preserving your pre-existing desk while having all the benefits of a standing desk.

To know more, check out these articles on How Standing Desks Can Improve Your Mental Health in the Workplace and What You Need to Know About Desk Converters.

#4 The Ideal Chair for your Workstation

Small stools that fit well with your desk can be an ideal chair for your home office. Try to look for chairs at home that match your office desk. It can be a bar stool at home, living room chairs, or dining room stools.


When picking the appropriate furniture for sitting, you may want to lean on the ergonomic chair that helps to make sitting healthier and comfortable while working.


Unlike ordinary chairs that can leave your back, neck, and legs feeling uncomfortable and strained, ergonomic chairs help to solve these problems with adjustable back, head, and armrest. This helps to alleviate discomfort and enables you to focus more on work than the physical distress you may feel.

#5 Clutter-Free Workspace

Nothing says a cramped workstation than clutter. Documents and even wires all over the place can give a suffocating atmosphere, especially in your tiny office space.Try to sort all your files in a container, put supplies in their respective places, and have cable organizers for the wires that may be taking up your desk space.

#6 Mount your Monitor by the Wall

Since you already have a tiny office to work with, why not reclaim all that desk space your monitor occupies by mounting it against the wall? Monitor mounts are helpful not just to free up space but to have your screen adjust to a comfortable eye-level position.

#7 Personalize

A home office space feels a bit bland without your personal touch. A workstation that is designed and personalized by you can provide an inviting feeling, possibly making you eager to work in your very own tiny office. Feel free to add wall hangings, ornaments, and other accessories to express yourself.

#8 Colours, Colours, Colours

It may not seem that important, but picking the right colours for your home office is crucial in productivity. You wouldn’t want to be in your workstation with eye-glaring, gaudy colours that keep you distracted from your work. Intense colours, such as a bright blue or dark brown may damper productivity as they can trigger sensory overload. Try to use calmer colours, like a pastel green or lemon yellow.


#10 Add Objects that Help You Work

There are a lot of ways people focus on work. Some feel a rush of productivity when they see plants. Some feel more motivated when seeing the pictures of their loved ones. 

If you focus well on music, add some stereos or mini-speakers in your area as you work. If you feel inspired by seeing art, don’t hesitate to add them to your office space.

It helps the best focus on your work when surrounded by the things that stimulate your brain to be productive.

In Summary

There’s always a way in design. Whether you have a big or small space, creating your own office can be a great challenge and an opportunity to work out your creativity. These home office ideas for small spaces can help you complete the personalized workstation that gets you to feel inspired and focused in your work.